What is Tezos?


Tezos is a blockchain platform that is designed to be self-amending, secure, and energy-efficient. It uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which means that holders of the Tezos cryptocurrency (XTZ) can participate in the network and earn rewards by staking their tokens.

Some of the key features of Tezos include:

  • On-chain governance: Tezos holders can vote on proposed changes to the protocol, giving them a direct say in how the network is governed.
  • Formal verification: Tezos smart contracts can be formally verified, which helps to ensure their correctness and security.
  • Delegation: Tezos holders who do not have the required stake to participate in baking can delegate their tokens to a baker, allowing them to earn rewards without having to run a node.
Tezos is a versatile blockchain platform that can be used for a variety of applications, including:

  • Decentralized finance (DeFi): Tezos is home to a growing ecosystem of DeFi applications, such as decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and derivatives markets.
  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): Tezos is also a popular platform for NFTs, which are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replaced.
  • Gaming: Tezos is being used to develop new blockchain-based games, which offer players the ability to own and trade in-game assets.
Tezos is a promising blockchain platform with a lot to offer developers and users alike. It is still under development, but it has already made significant progress and is growing in popularity.


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